Sightings - December 2021

17 December

The Common Ringed Plover was again found roosting between the BBO and boat ramp at high tide, before returning to its usual foraging location near the sandspit on the BBO Beach as the tide receded (JG and SF). A Swinhoe’s Snipe (call recorded - first confirmed this year), two Green Pygmy-geese, seven Wandering Whistling-Ducks and two White-browed Crakes were at Nimalarragun (NJ, JG and SF).

16 December

A Common Ringed Plover continues to be seen on the BBO Beach, where a Barn Swallow and several Broad-billed Sandpipers were also present (AB).

15 December

Two Black-breasted Buzzards, two Wood Sandpipers and a Little Woodswallow were seen at Upper Loomingum Bore. Lake Eda at midday hosted a spectacular gathering of 2,000 Little Curlew, 1,000 Oriental Pratincole and a handful of Oriental Plover and Australian Pratincole. Six Yellow Chats were also present.

14 December

A continuing Common Ringed Plover was seen on the BBO Beach. Varied Lorikeets were heard around the BBO grounds. A Black-tailed Native-hen, three Eastern Yellow Wagtails (including one ssp. taivana) and a Wandering Whistling-Duck were seen at the Broome sewage works.

13 December

A continuing Common Ringed Plover was found roosting at high tide today between the BBO and the boat ramp at Gurlbinwila, in mixed flocks also containing Red-necked Stint, Red-capped Plover, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Greater Sand Plover and Curlew Sandpiper.

12 December

Three Flock Bronzewings were seen at Taylor’s Lagoon (CGM). A Common Ringed Plover continues to forage on sand flats adjacent to the BBO Sandspit, this time seen around low tide.

11 December

A Common Ringed Plover continues to forage on sand flats adjacent to the BBO Sandspit on the outgoing tide (CJH).

10 December

A Crested Bellbird was heard on Shamrock Station (NJ). The vagrant plover returned to the same location as yesterday as the tide went out. The bird didn’t call as hoped, but examination of photos taken today and earlier in the year support identification as Common Ringed Plover. If confirmed by BARC acceptance this will be a new shorebird species for Broome (#57!). A Beach Stone-curlew was also present.

9 December

The COMMON RINGED / SEMIPALMATED PLOVER last seen on 11 October was found again feeding near the BBO Sandspit as the tide dropped this evening. Also present were 8+ Marsh Sandpipers, 100+ Broad-billed Sandpipers and thousands of other migratory shorebirds.

6 December

Twenty Flock Bronzewings were seen at Lake Eda (CJH).

5 December

A White-browed Crake, at least one Gallinago snipe and a continuing Arafura Fantail were seen around the Nimalarragun wetland (AB). A Yellow Chat was seen flying across the Great Northern Highway where it crosses Roebuck Plains, while another pair were seen at Taylor’s Lagoon later in the morning. Two Black-breasted Buzzards were seen on Thangoo Station. Huge numbers of bush birds including an estimated 300 Rufous-throated Honeyeaters were seen coming to drink at a small scrape on the north side of the Broome-Derby Highway near Taylor’s Lagoon.

4 December

A Beach Stone-curlew and Asian Dowitcher were seen during shorebird counts of Roebuck Bay’s northern shores (KH). A Barn Swallow and juvenile Black-eared Cuckoo was seen at One Tree in the morning.


AB - Adrian Boyle, CGM - Clare and Grant Morton, CJH - Chris Hassell, JG - John Graff, KH - Kerry Hadley, NJ - Nigel Jackett, SF - Stu Ford. Other sightings made by BBO staff.